Tonight we have just seen more than 200 senior-level professionals from the New Zealand Internet and Communications Technology sector come together at the Broadband Compare TUANZ Awards to celebrate the best of the best in the broadband sector.
The cost of living feels more expensive than ever in New Zealand. So, Kiwis need to save every cent they can. Broadband is a great place to start, especially with a brand new exclusive unlimited broadband deal of the year.
Meet Stuff Fibre – the latest provider in our spotlight series. Stuff Fibre are the experts in ultrafast, unlimited fibre. The ultimate provider for a great gaming, viewing and browsing experience.
It's Sep-Timber for trees as the High Court in Auckland rules that property owners can be forced to trim or remove trees that are blocking their neighbours' broadband reception.
The latest broadband provider in our spotlight series is Voyager. They’re a Kiwi-based broadband and communications provider offering some of the best high speed broadband packages around.